This is an archive of our work featuring participant deliverables, tech and social justice curriculum and other learning resources.
Date: 2019 June 1
Location: Larkin Street Youth Services San Francisco Tenderloin
Social Justice Theme: Immigration, Women’s rights, Environmental justice
Tech Tool: Adobe Illustrator
Community Partner: Larkin Street Youth Services
Participants: 22
Creations: Posters and graphics advocating for justice around issues participants were personally passionate about
Positive Growth: Participants had an opportunity to have their voices be heard about issues they were personally passionate about. Helped foster a sense of belonging and safe space to share insight about social justice awareness of different issues,embracing passion for social justice, advocacy, graphic design, storytelling & advocacy with cross-community collaboration between youth from different backgrounds/areas.
Lessons Learned:
Having youth from different communities come together to learn is a strong motivator for tech & social justice learning.
Cross-collaboration is a good strategy that yields powerful insights. It is important to share personal stories